November 11, 2005


Here in LA, the All Saints Church of Pasadena, known for its liberal views and effective community involvement, is under threat of losing its nonprofit status due to a sermon by its former rector of 28 years, Rev. Dr. George Regas.

In the sermon, titled “If Jesus Debated Sen. Kerry and President Bush”, the reverend portrayed an imaginary meeting between the then presidential candidates and Jesus. The latter was critical of the war on Iraq and tax cuts that in his opinion benefited only the wealthy. Based on that sermon, the IRS is claiming the church is political and therefore can not be considered tax exempt.

It begs the question – what about those religious institutions that do back the war on Iraq and the Bush administration? Someone should look into that. For instance, how about examining Pat Robertson’s call for dissolution of the separation between Church and State – and using his religious organization’s influence and funds to advance it?

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