October 28, 2005


These past few days I have been closely watching the news - it's been fun! There's so much happening, and it is all so interesting... Even if the outcome of the Miers affair is hardly surprising.

I mean, after Charles Krauthammer wrote that piece suggesting the easy way out, it became clear that no one - absolutely no one - took El Presidente's sorry choice of a Supreme Court nominee seriously. Krauthammer nailed it, his piece is brilliant in its simplicity and sincerity.

In any case, El Presidente managed to get something right - although I seriously doubt he personally chose Bernanke. That would require a lot of concentration, homework, savvy etc. Bernanke is, without a doubt, perfectly qualified for the job (which paradoxically does not mean he will necessarily do a good job); I guess El Presidente is not so reckless when it comes to the economy - now that's an area where we might be relatively free of the dangers of cronyism!

So the question now is, inevitably, what/who is next on the Supreme Court novella. The major newspapers of the nation compiled/published, as expected, lists of likely candidates and their qualifications - just as they did before Miers's and Roberts's nominations. However, nowhere in the lists does one read about how religion is an important part of the candidate's life, or how friendly a candidate is with El Presidente.

Here is a suggestion - can anyone send a copy of one such list to the White House? That might help. We could also burn El Presidente's little address book and all birthday cards sent to him over the past two - no, make it three decades; that way, he won't get any ideas as to which overly zealous friend he should pick this time.

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