October 20, 2005


Let’s just group together the recent developments in the Miers nomination, shall we?

1. She is opposed to abortion (I guess that’s pretty clear: I don't really buy the argument that even if she once was, she might not be anymore);

2. She only tried about 8 cases to a verdict in a courtroom (so much for experience);

3. According to El Presidente, "part of Harriet Mier's life is her religion" and that's one of the reasons he nominated her (gee, thanks – we're relieved);

4. Another reason for her nomination is her devotion to El Presidente (no comment, no need);

5. She has demonstrated a considerable talent in being…vague (as her explanation on her tenure as White House counsel shows);

6. She has also demonstrated considerable talent in being inconsistent (that was clear when she apparently said one thing to Sen. Specter, then later claimed to have said something else; Specter, gentleman that he is, decided to accept her version of events in order to be fair);

7. And she is not very good in keeping track of paperwork (as in falling behind on her bar dues and therefore having her license to practice law in DC suspended).

I’d say this is an admirable resumé. All that's needed is a header, a footer and a few bullet points. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. And sure, let’s give her a nice, fluffy, big (and pink?) prize – but not a Supreme Court seat.

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