December 24, 2005


...Was, by far, the ruling of the Dover, PA judge against the inclusion of intelligent design in high school biology courses. In his words - intelligent design is unconstitutional because it advances a "particular version of Christianity."

Those who have seen me lose my temper countless times over this insanity of a debate - as I see it, a complete "non-debate" - know that I am extremely happy with the outcome. This decision discredits intelligent design advocates at the same time it promotes the merits of science education which is independent of religious beliefs.

Judge John E. Jones III (coincidentally, a Republican appointed by El Presidente) went straight to the point: by tracing intelligent design's roots to Christian fundamentalism, he made it clear that he was not convinced by the movement's efforts to dissociate itself from creationism - its, how shall we put it, less marketable predecessor...

As a side note: back in Brazil this last time, I had the opportunity to have a very interesting, long conversation with someone I admire very much - a much respected journalist, a senior editor at the biggest Brazilian newspaper. A friend of the family; a man of great intellect, and even greater heart. And, as I've always known, deeply religious - Roman Catholic - as well.

I told him about the intelligent design debate and my disgust with the notion that the Christian fundamentalists are targeting children and teenagers in their desire to reshape the country's culture and politics. He was appalled. Although he himself believes in the existence of a designer (he cited St. Thomas Aquinas, who back in the 1200s was probably the first advocate of intelligent design when he concluded that because nature was too complex, it must be the work of a designer), he also believes that religion is a personal and private thing, with no place in science classes of any kind.

I wish the teachers, professors and scientists behind intelligent design displayed the same sense and wisdom as this friend of mine. It would save them the unnecessary shame of this defeat and preserve their careers. It would save me a lot of angst too...

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