February 20, 2006


Well, I'd just like to add this thought.

It seems the media is in furor mainly because of the lapsed time between the shooting accident and the release of pertinent information, and also because of Cheney's choice to use Fox News to make his personal statement on the situation.

While I agree with the comments on those two points, the problem for me begins and ends with the hunting itself.

Why is it that people are not talking about that so much? Why is it acceptable for a United States Vice President to go hunting in the first place, in 2006? And while he is at it, he is flying on Air Force 2, he has a complete entourage (luckily for Mr. Wittington, one that includes doctors/medics), and we, my friends, are paying for all that.

Why hunt? Who hunts in the United States today, and I don't mean the United States of Barrow, Alaska, but the one of Washington, D.C.? Cheney does. This is what he said during the Fox interview:

"Like many of you, I grew up close to the land, learned from my dad how to handle a gun, and still look forward to every chance to join up with friends to go hunting. I take my hunting seriously, in part because I think Lynne still expects me to bring dinner home once in a while."

First off, growing up close to the land does not necessarily lead one to become such an avid hunter.

Secondly: well, Mr. Cheney, ever heard of take-out? And isn't what we are paying you enough to cover this kind of living expenses without you having to go out there in full gear and incur the risk of annihilating - oops, accidentally shooting - one of your acquaintances?

Thirdly: to look forward to go hunting with friends? Nice bunch you have there, mister.

I equate hunting as a sport to plucking a fly's wings - something a 10-year-old might do before someone tells him how cruel and unnecessary it is (or he realizes on his own). I suppose no one ever told Cheney to stop plucking that darn fly's wings; or he is still 10 years old.

Oh and sidenote: one of Cheney's old hunting partners is Justice Scalia...

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