January 4, 2006


The Los Angeles Times published an editorial effort this past weekend - wishes for 2006. It was a nice, light-hearted piece; I had a few laughs, agreed with most and disagreed with some.

One particular interesting one - they wish for more newspaper readership among 18-year-olds. Funny that we have to wish for that; after all, newspaper reading should be a natural thing, and this has nothing to do with the fact that I went to Journalism school myself and therefore can hardly be unbiased on the matter.

Newspaper readership should be a common thing. It should be something that people do routinely, much like eating, drinking, sleeping.

I remember when I was a kid, elementary school. Much of our homework revolved around newspapers, such as research, finding interesting articles, new words, current events etc. I am not a teacher, so I can't really comment on this. I also have not been raised in the United States, so I don't know what the elementary school approach is in terms of newspaper reading.

But just the mere fact that this is a wish of the editorial board at the Los Angeles Times... I find that amusing. And a bit sad too. And I do hope their wish comes true - for them, for the youth of this country, for all of us.

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